Well, we have all been sick with viral gastroenteritis and then upper respiratory infections! It feels like we have been sick non-stop! The stomach flu was a fun one! We had no idea that was coming! Within 2 minutes of Wayne walking in the door, Alec told him he had an upset stomach. Alec promptly started throwing up and within seconds Elysa and Nickolaus followed! I can honestly say, that it was the most disgusting day of my mothering career! We had three children getting sick the rest of the night and the other half of us soon followed! We are now midway through the upper respiratory and have been using this recipe for herbal salve to help with the chest part of it. You can find more great recipes here
Eucalyptus Salve / Chest Rub © Millie Fodor
30 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
40 drops Camphor essential oil
15 drops Wintergreen essential oil
1 ounce Olive Oil
1/2 teaspoon Beeswax
Melt the beeswax in the olive oil. Remove from heat and add the essential oils. Stir, pour into salve container and label.
Eucalyptus salve is used to relieve respiratory congestion